
Queens Stands Up! / ¡Queens Se Solidariza!

On the evening of October 18, the Jackson Heights Immigrant Solidarity Network (JHISN) sponsored a community forum to discuss a range of urgent immigration issues. The slogan for the event, held at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, was “Immigration Activism From Neighborhood to Nation.” The forum had a powerful panel of speakers. If you missed the Read More

We Need Your Comments!

The Public Charge Rule: A New Wealth Test for Immigrants WE MUST STAND UP FOR AN INCLUSIVE AND WELCOMING AMERICA. For over 100 years the “public charge test” has been part of US immigration law, used to define those who depend on the government as their main source of support. Until now, “public charge” has Read More

Make Your Opinions Count!

Under current law immigrant children cannot be detained by the government longer than 20 DAYS. The Trump Administration wants to be able to detain children and their families INDEFINITELY. The Justice Department is trying to modify the decades-old settlement agreement Flores v. Reno to allow the government to detain children longer than the 20 days Read More